Barry Keoghan Fucked The Grave As Grave Scene In Saltburn.. Barry Keoghan confirms his penis is real in ‘SALTBURN’.
“It totally felt right. It’s ownership. This is my place. It’s full confidence in, ‘I can do what I want in this manor.’”
After giving an intense yet restrained, reined-in performance as an outsider in the world of the idle rich for the majority of psychological thriller Saltburn, the climactic act of the movie pivots in a way that allows Barry Keoghan to unleash Oliver Quick in all of his passion and rage, as his lies and manipulations are uncovered and his precarious place in this privileged milieu becomes threatened.
The character’s unraveling culminates notably in a rainy, tearful funeral scene, with a grief-stricken Oliver stripping down and having sex with Felix’s grave. But filmmaker Emerald Fennell is not done with the creative uses of full-frontal male nudity.
Consider No Hard Feelings, Jennifer Lawrence’s latest comedy flick about a broke 32-year-old woman who agrees to date a wealthy couple’s awkward 19-year-old son. In one scene, Lawrence’s character, Maddie, delivers a spectacularly funny performance as her character goes skinny dipping in a bid to seduce her teenage project, Percy.
“A walkthrough didn’t have that post-coital triumph,” she said. “If we all did our job correctly, you are on Oliver’s side. “You don’t care what he does, you want him to do it. You are both completely repulsed and sort of on his side. It’s that kind of dance with the devil. It’s like, ‘F—. Okay, let’s go.’ And so at the end, it needed to have a triumph, a post-coital win, a desecration.”
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