SEX VIDEO: Two Pastors Having Gay Sex In Bed In A Leaked Viral Sextape In Assembly Of God In Acre, Rio Branco (18+)

SEX VIDEO: Two Pastors Having Gay Sex In Bed In A Leaked Viral Sextape In Assembly Of God In Acre, Rio Branco..

Two Pastors Having Gay Sex In Bed In A Leaked Viral Sextape In Assembly Of God In Acre, Rio Branco
Two Pastors Having Gay Sex In Bed In A Leaked Viral Sextape In Assembly Of God In Acre, Rio Branco—

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Two Pastors Having Gay Sex In Bed In A Leaked Viral Sextape In Assembly Of God In Acre, Rio Branco

In the trending video, the young pastor is screaming or moaning AIN PASTOR the Ainnnnnn pastor, while the ugly married pastor was fucking him with his very big and long dick on the bed. Two pastors having sex on the bed in a viral leaked sextape while riding a big dick in Assembly of God in Acre, Rio Branco.

In the popular video, the ugly pastor is seen laughing on the bed before using his large penis to fuck the young pastor.

A presbyter from the Assembly of God Church in Rio Branco (AC) was removed last week after a video was leaked in which he appears having sexual relations with another man.

In the video circulating in WhatsApp groups and reaching the ac24horas newsroom this Wednesday (24), the priest appears to be participating in the intimate moment as an active participant, while the other man calls him, at times, “pastor”. The camera that took the image does not appear to be hidden.

According to information obtained by the report, the church leadership became aware of the case last week, when the man was removed from his duties at the church. His family is being supported by the Assembly of God and the case is being considered a sin like any other, to which any Christian is subject.

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