Man Raped Woman On Busy Footpath Of Ujjain In Madhya Pradesh In Viral Leaked SexTape.. A woman was raped on a busy footpath in Madhya Pradesh this week with videos of the incident going viral on social media. The attack took place in broad daylight with pedestrians choosing to film the sexual assault instead of intervening. The incident has since taken a political tint with the Congress and BJP trading barbs over the case.
“The accused had promised to marry the woman. He made her consume alcohol and raped her,” said an official.
The victim — a scrap collector in Ujjain — was lured under the pretext of marriage and plied with alcohol until she was intoxicated. The accused (identified as Lokesh) had then taken her to a roadside shelter before raping her. The rape was filmed by eyewitnesses before being uploaded online even as the accused fled the scene after threatening the woman.
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