Megan Thee Stallion Twerking On Instagram Live With Her Male Friends To Celebrate HISS Going #1 On Billboard Hot 100…. “Hiss” debuts at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 this week — Megan Thee Stallion’s first No. 1 since 2021, and her first without a credited co-collaborator. On a scale from 1-10, how big a deal do you think this debut is for the rapper?
Rania Aniftos: Honestly, a 10. Meg has been dealing with haters claiming that she fell off since her 2022 Traumazine album didn’t do quite as well as expected. If I were her, this accomplishment would feel like a big middle finger to those people, and a solidification that she’s here to stay in the rap game.
Hannah Dailey: 10! I think a first unaccompanied No. 1 is a huge deal for any artist, and Meg is no exception. It’s solid evidence that she’s come to a place in her career where she’s on the same level as the artists she used to need to collaborate with in order to elevate her songs to the place “Hiss” is now.
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Watch Megan Thee Stallion Twerking On Instagram Live Video Below 
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